Quality RNA Isolation and Efficient Construction of Rft1 (Peasy:Rft1) Gene
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Published: 25 May 2021 | Article Type :Abstract
Introduction: High-quality RNA isolation from a polysaccharide-rich plant such as rice for downstream application is challenging. Equally, successful gene cloning for molecular analysis is tricky as it produces negative transformants.
Objective: Here we reported on qualitative and quantitative RNA, RT-PCR amplification of RFT1 gene from matured leaves of Malaysian upland rice, then construction of the gene.
Methodology: The RNA was isolated from Wai cultivar leaves (indica sub-species) using three different methods, synthesized cDNA and RT-PCR amplification of RFT1 gene. A T-A cloning of the RFT1 gene into p-EASY T3 vector (pEASY:RFT1), chemical transformation into E. coliTrans1-T1 and screening of the transformed cells on selective Laix-plate, by colony PCR and RE analysis were observed.
Results: The RNA integrity indicated that using guanidine isothiocyanate based method, precisely Trizol was the superlative (yield = 36.50±0.59 and purity = 2.04±0.09) for isolating quality RNA from upland rice leaves. The RT-PCR and bioinformatics analysis resulted in full-length RFT1 gene amplification; responsible for promoting flowering under LD condition. Both recombinant DNA construction and transformation were efficient with more than 50% white colonies due to deactivation of the lacZ reporter gene. Also, the gel analysis of the colony-PCR indicated an absolute RFT1 gene amplification with a singleband and double-bands (vector and insert) after RE analysis all at expected positions.
Conclusion: These have shown the suitability of the RNA isolation protocols observed in producing quality RNA for downstream applications, first ever reported on full-length RFT1 gene isolation from Malaysian upland rice and successful gene construction (pEASY:RFT1).
Keywords: RNA isolation; Upland Rice; Matured Leaves; RFT1 gene; Construction.

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How to Cite
Sulaiman Mohammed, Aishatu Bello Mahmoud, Haruna Sa’idu, Kabiru Muhammad. (2021-05-25). "Quality RNA Isolation and Efficient Construction of Rft1 (Peasy:Rft1) Gene." *Volume 5*, 2, 31-42